My Windows into the Universe
(24 Windows)

#1. No Logarithms here; only sorrow

# 2. The Juggler: there is no juggling here... only sorrow and frustration...

#3. A Boy and his Parrot watch the chaotic universe collapse around them.

#4. Dragon and Torso; wherein the Dragon finds his true love...

#5. Pulsing Generator

#6. Cavern

#7. Flaming Tears

#8. The Phantom watches over you... She will never leave you alone...

#9. All the Universe is a stage; and we are all merely dust - full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

#10. Weeping Clouds

#11. Three Small Innocents look into the Infinite Universe and wonder Why.

#12. Listening to the Purple Gooey Globules, under the covers, late into the night.

#13. The Universal Protozoan Parasite infects the Blue Sky.

#14. Atlas could do no better, but in spite of humankind's psychosis, the gods do not conspire.

#15. A Bacchanalian dance out at the Clouds of Magellan

#16. Howling at Black Holes, and not so Black Holes, beyond the Universe.

#17. Shrouds... you'll know when you fold them back.

#18. Heaven's Gate through a glass darkly... we're all voyeurs.

#19. Light at the end of the Tunnel (a view into the secrets of the Universe)

#20. Obscured Light - but can we ever see beyond the crack in the Universe?

#21. Willfully Obscured images from Past Universes; sometimes clarity is not the answer...

#22. A Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum and a desire for the Real Thing

#23. Inside/Outside - The Universe encompasses, grows, reveals, and obscures...

#24. The Universal Tree of Life... the brightest star in the Universe